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Pere Renom

“We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and possess through your own judgement and decision […] We have made you a creature neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.”

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola


Pantry of Fall

published on 19.04.2016

Typical autumn products are mushrooms and chestnuts, but actually the list includes many others, such as the strawberry tree, the hackberry, the rose hip, the jujube, the loquat or the rowanberry. We will learn to recognize them. We will also discover that humans are not the only ones to make pantry, gray dormouse also makes. […]

Bees: a shared business in danger

published on 1.10.2012

Humans have a shared business with bees. We take care of, and they, in turn, produce honey, pollen, wax, propolis and royal jelly. Also pollinate our crops and flowers allow us to obtain the fruits. 40 years ago a hive gave 20 kg of honey per year and today gives only 15 kg. This is […]

Organic farming

published on 11.04.2012

Organic farming reverses the conventional agriculture. It uses invertebrates to combat pests, take profit of weeds and take care of all the underground ecosystem instead of seeing only as an inert support for the plants.

Olive oil, liquid gold

published on 16.11.2011

Olive oil is considered liquid gold because of the color but mostly because it is a food very beneficial to health. It has been shown to prevent cardiovascular disease and some cancers. A team from the UAB have discovered the molecular mechanism by which olive oil helps to slow breast cancer. It has also seen […]

Story of a sausage

published on 19.10.2011

The sausage is a meat product of high nutritional value and long tradition in our country. Indeed Vic can be considered the world capital of this sausage. But the whole process of development takes place in Vic? In Quèquicom we will reconstruct the complete story of a sausage. Based on the traceability of the labels […]

Citrus: squeeze the skin

published on 14.01.2011

Every time consumers choose seedless oranges harm bees, as these insects cause cross-fertilization between varieties and produce oranges with seeds. Consequently, the farmers repel the bees. Get honey from orange flowers is becoming increasingly difficult. “Quèquicom” was in Valencia to see what are the main species and varieties of citrus, how is it made the […]

Running the Marathon

published on 2.06.2010

The marathon is an endurance test that takes the body to the limit. The reporter Pere Renom trains for twelve weeks to address the race with guarantees. The stress test, food, footwear, anatomy, physiology and psychology are the keys that allow the runner overcome the 42 km and reach the finish line successfully. The further […]

Natural history of la paella

published on 15.03.2010

In the paella is represented virtually the entire evolutionary tree and the rice absorbs all the flavors. The reporter Pere Renom travels to the Ebro Delta to learn how to cook this dish with ingredients such as shellfish or duck meat. Renom try to reap rice by hand and to fish seabass with casting net. […]

The secrets of bread

published on 19.12.2007

Quèquicom investigates which are the parameters of quality of bread with experts from Girona Laboratories, responsible for the analysis of most flours processed in Catalonia. Pere Renom makes an experiment to evidence that different types of flour originate breads with different characteristics. He also discovers the importance of yeasts in the spongy texture of bread. […]

Diabetes: when sweet turns sour

published on 14.11.2007

Diabetes is a disease that affects more than 400,000 people in Catalonia. But this disease does not usually show signs until it is advanced . “Quèquicom” provides the key to whether you should go to the doctor. Led by specialists like Dr. Anna Novials, the Sarda Foundation, or Ramon Gomis, Hospital Clinic of Barcelona,”Quèquicom” explains […]