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“We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and possess through your own judgement and decision […] We have made you a creature neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.”

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola

Science programs on TV

Web de la BBC Science BBC British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is the national broadcaster of the United Kingdom. Initially dedicated to the radio, in 1936 began broadcasting television programs. Currently, it is certainly one of the most prestigious international brands. Broadcast via satellite, cable and internet. Among many other sections also has one devoted to science.
Web de C'est Pas Sorcier C’est pas sorcier magazine of science and discoveries. Aboard his lab truck, Frédéric, Jamy and Sabine take us to unusual and often spectacular sites to explain the world around. Presentation: Frédéric Courant, Jamy Gourmaud, Sabine Quindou.
Matière grise magazine of curiosity, reflection without thinking! Patrice Goldberg throws a challenge each week. The program covers with simplicity the different facets of science and technology, sheds light on the main issues of research (genetics, pollution, renewable energy, space …), highlights the researchers from France and no doubt use humor to analyze certain science stories or return to the amazing discoveries of the past.
Web de Quarks&Co Quark&Co & Co is a bimonthly program focused on the natural sciences, approaching them  from different angles, but always with simplicity and looking for the most attractive aspects of a matter depending on today. The web of Quarks & Co WDR channel has been nominated for the Grimme Online Award.
Qeb del programa Quèquicom TV3 QUÈQUICOM“Quèquicom”, translated as “What-who-how”, is a Catalan show about the science behind the everyday things in life, but with a twist. All sorts of analogies are allowed and encouraged to communicate the basic principles that explain the science behind the various health, environmental and technical issues that we encounter through our daily lives.
Web de SuperQuark RAI UNO RAI UNO SuperQuark is the most popular television magazine in Italy, devoted to science, nature and technology, and devised and conducted by Piero Angela.
Web de Redes RTVE RTVE Redes (or Redes 2.0 last season emission) is a program of popular science television that aired every Sunday at 21:30 pm at La 2 de TVE. All chapters were presented by Eduard Punset and was produced by Smart Planet. The program usually tried various scientific subjects, such as sociology, biology or astronomy. It began broadcasting in 1996 and ended in 2014.