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Pere Renom

“We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and possess through your own judgement and decision […] We have made you a creature neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.”

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola

Tot es mou tv3

All “Tot es mou” TV programs with Pere Renom.

The wheel, a round invention

published on 9.01.2020

The wheel is one of the most important inventions of Humanity, a true icon of mobility. It was invented approximately 6,000 years ago in the Middle East, and in parallel it was also invented in Mesoamerica 3,500 years ago, but pre-Columbian civilizations only used it in toys. Initially it was solid wood, later the spokes […]

The caganer

published on 19.12.2019

The caganer is a traditional figure of the manger. He was born in Catalonia around the 17th century and was subsequently exported to the influence areas of Sicily, Naples and Provence. Its meaning is uncertain but it is believed that it could symbolize the life cycle, purification or satire. Originally it was depicted as a […]

The wool under the microscope

published on 12.12.2019

Wool is a natural tissue produced by some mammals. Humans generally take advantage of sheep. In the Iberian Peninsula, the two best known sheep breeds are churra and merina. The first is very good at producing meat and milk, while the second is a good wool producer. If we mixed both races we would obtain […]

CO2 in the biosphere

published on 5.12.2019

At 464ºC Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System, although it is twice as far from the Sun as Mercury. This extreme temperature is due to an atmospheric composition with 96% CO2, which causes an infernal greenhouse effect. On the other hand, the Earth has 0.04% of CO2 and an average temperature of […]

Lithium, a strategic element

published on 28.11.2019

Lithium is a very scarce element in the Solar System since its atomic weight is too light to be synthesized in the stars and too heavy to have formed during the Big Bang. On Earth it is also scarce and due to its reactivity it is combined in a wide variety of minerals and is […]

The stars of the firmament

published on 22.11.2019

Astronomers classify the stars according to their color, which indicates the temperature, and their size, which is related to the luminosity. The reference star is the Sun, that is yellow and has a temperature of 5,500°C, but there are other types of stars, such as the orange Alfa Centauri B, the red dwarf Proxima Centauri, […]

The pig, everywhere

published on 14.11.2019

November 11 is Saint Martin’s Day, traditionally the day of the pig slaughter. It is always said that the pig takes advantage of everything: we eat the fresh or cured meat in the form of hams or sausages, the skin and the fat in the form of crusts, but we also tan the leather, from […]

The functions of the feather

published on 7.11.2019

Birds use feathers to fly, to keep warm and to communicate. Humans give them the same use. We improve the aerodynamics of arrows and badminton balls with feathers, fill quilts and down jackets and decorate ourselves and dress with plumes. We are plumiferous learners.

Chestnut Party and astronomy

published on 31.10.2019

The Catalan Chestnut Party and the Christian All Saints’ Day, the Halloween of the Anglo-Saxons, the Sanheim of the Celts, and the Roman Pomona festival are the same celebration with different appearance. The diversity of autumn products we consume during these days, with very diverse geographical origins, is further evidence of the syncretism of traditions. […]

Animal speed

published on 24.10.2019

On October 12, 2019 the Kenyan Eliud Kipchoge managed to break the 2h barrier and finish the marathon in 1h 59’and 40″. The athlete ran through an urban circuit in Vienna, and had the help of other 41 athletes that acted as pacemakers (called “hares” in many countries). He was able to maintain a stratospheric […]