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Pere Renom

“We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and possess through your own judgement and decision […] We have made you a creature neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.”

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola


Archeology of a shipwreck

published on 9.01.2019

In the first century BC, a Roman ship sailing along the Costa Brava (Girona) was surprised by a storm, hit the Formigues Islands and was shipwrecked. Its remains were preserved intact at 45 m depth for 2,000 years. The Center of Underwater Archeology of Catalonia (CASC) carries out an excavation campaign to study the loading […]

Ravel’s bolero

published on 10.10.2018

Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) was a French composer of the 20th century. From his father, a Swiss engineer, he inherited perfectionism, and from his mother, of Basque origin, the attraction for the Spanish musical aesthetic. He composed some forty works for piano, vocal, chamber and symphonic music. The best known is the bolero, an order of […]

The swing of the beaches

published on 27.06.2017

In January 2017 the Catalan coast suffered an exceptional eastern storm, with waves up to 7 meters high, eroding entire beaches, and damaging rides, buildings and structures such as the oil pier of Badalona. The program analyzes the coastal dynamics and finds out if this destructive force is a threat to the coast. The following […]

Balloons to the stratosphere

published on 1.03.2016

Catalan industry is a world leader in the manufacture of balloons, used for sport and tourism. We will ascend to 6,000 meters with a balloon made in Igualada and see how the temperature and oxygen decrease rapidly with altitude. Faced with these difficulties, Would you dare to ascend balloon into the stratosphere, 36 kilometers altitude? […]

Rescue in the sea

published on 16.12.2014

The main danger of shipwreck is not starvation or thirst, but dying of cold. When he is lost in the immensity of the sea the rescue is a race against time. Maritime Rescue is a public organization dedicated  24 hours a day to respond to emergencies in the sea. It has twenty centers coordinators spread […]

The swim across the Strait of Gibraltar

published on 10.12.2013

The reporter Pere Renom tries to swim across the Strait of Gibraltar to make a report. Faced with the currents, waves, wind, fog and tides, and avoid about 90 large merchant that circulate daily through the strait. He should cover a distance of about 15 km. Throughout history, less than 800 swimmers have achieved this […]

Overturned by the wind

published on 11.02.2009

Quèquicom dedicates a special program  to the great windstorm that swept Catalonia on 24 January 2009, killed four children and caused many destructions.

Resisting the North wind

published on 20.09.2006

The reporter Pere Renom travels to the Alt Empordà and lives the north wind. To directly experience both air friction and the force of gravity, he parachutes from 4000 meters, but can not fall above 200 km/h. The wind is the air in movement. How do resist the north wind the farmers and nature in […]

Travelling with the wind

published on 14.06.2006

The program “Quèquicom” travels in balloon to explain the atmospheric currents and travels on sailboat to show how it is possible to sail against the wind. The reporter Pere Renom suffers a storm aboard a sailboat in the bay of Roses. His adventure helps to explain some basic principles of sailing. From the studio, the […]

The strength of the cold

published on 15.03.2006

When water freezes its volume increases. This property can directly affect our body, constituted mainly of water, if either part is frozen. Josep Maria Vilà, an amateur mountaineer, lost 3 teammates and his girlfriend while trying to reach the peak of Balandrau in Ripollès (Girona). The reporter Samantha Vall finds out what happened that fateful […]