The taste of water
We have all studied at school that water is colorless, odorless and tasteless. But in reality we all also have the experience that there are better waters than others. What determines the taste of water? To find out we will make a simple scientific study. We will sample waters from different origins and we will […]
The kitchen, from the fire to the microwaves
We will go to the restaurant Les Cols, awarded with two Michelin stars, for energetically deconstructing a dish. We will do an experiment to assess the energy efficiency of economic kitchen, gas, ceramic, induction and microwave. We will see the technology of steel pans and new silicone utensils. And we will discover the gastronomic potential […]
Searching for life in the Univers
We knew that the Earth is not flat, and that is not in the center of the universe, now it has been discovered that even in the Milky Way there could be 10,000 milion planets similar to ours. We explain how planets are detected outside our solar system and what conditions would have to sustain […]
Pools, chlorine and health
The pools are healthy both for swimming and for rehabilitation, but we should respect the rules of hygiene to avoid adverse reactions with chlorine. Chlorine disinfection, combined with organic matter, such as hair or urine, generates gases that could affect the DNA of cells. For this reason the pools should be well ventilated.
The microscopic world
With of a binocular loupe and a home microscope anyone can do an amazing journey into the world of microorganisms, a world inhabited by so strange creatures that seem like science fiction. The reporter Pere Renom visits a farmhouse accompanied by Rubén Duro, a biologist specialized in the production of documentaries on the microscopic world.
The water channel Segarra-Garrigues
The program shows exclusive images of the construction of the channel Segarra-Garrigues that will irrigate a surface seven times greater than the municipality of Barcelona and will ensure water intake of Cervera and other locations. But the transformation in irrigated lands the drylands of Lleida threat an exceptional ecosystem and brings to the table the […]
The limits of science
Hartmann Lines, dowsers and astrology, do they proceed with the scientific method? To know it, the program compared them to the corresponding scientific disciplines of geomagnetism, hydrogeology and astronomy.
Sahara, the limit of life
Quèquicom travels to the Sahara Desert in Mauritania, to see how survive the humans, animals and plants. The reporter Pere Renom captures some animals from this area like differents especies of gerbil, and spiny-tailed lizard. He also detects traces of dorcas gazelle and watches the desert hare and Fennec, and explains some of their physiological […]
The wood of Pallars region
The reporter and biologist Pere Renom navigates on a raft through the rapids of the river Noguera Pallaresa. This type of boat was used to transport the wood. Pallars (Lleida) has been, since ancient times, an area of timber production as it has large forest areas and an extensive river network that facilitated transport. The […]
Rescue in the snow
The reporter Samantha Vall is buried under half a metre of snow to check if electronic tracking systems for avalanche victims are effective. Toni Mestres, from the studio, shows how work those directional antennas, in what principles are based, and explains what happens inside a cloud when forming snow. Meanwhile, biologist Pere Renom describes how […]