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Pere Renom

“We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and possess through your own judgement and decision […] We have made you a creature neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.”

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola


Climate change, critical level

published on 18.09.2019

Global warming has not stopped since the industrial revolution and in the Quèquicom we are also witnesses. In 2006 we dedicated a report to climate change. In 2019, thirteen years later, we made an update. We will see how has evolved the CO2 in the atmosphere, the temperature of the sea in Estartit, the fish […]

Balloons to the stratosphere

published on 1.03.2016

Catalan industry is a world leader in the manufacture of balloons, used for sport and tourism. We will ascend to 6,000 meters with a balloon made in Igualada and see how the temperature and oxygen decrease rapidly with altitude. Faced with these difficulties, Would you dare to ascend balloon into the stratosphere, 36 kilometers altitude? […]

Spring in Barcelona

published on 14.03.2012

Spring is an explosion of life in the countryside. But under a watchful eye, is also an explosion of life in the city. The reporter Pere Renom walk in the city of Barcelona, racking and a spectacular spring. Explains the weather, vegetation and wildlife in urban spring. In the studio, presenter Jaume Vilalta shows how […]

Profiting the sun

published on 3.05.2011

One of the alternative energy models to hydrocarbons is solar energy, on two fronts: photovoltaic and thermal. Solar panels are still relatively expensive. In large photovoltaic plants are tested other technologies to reduce costs, such as the so-called solar panels of concentration. Joan Ignasi Rosell, University of Lleida, explains what they are. 130 school children […]

The greenhouse effect and climate change

published on 8.11.2006

In “Quèquicom”, prominent experts explain clearly what are the main evidence of climate change, why the planet is heated, what say predictions and what can be done to combat it.