premi Nobel
Light at our service
The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded to three Japanese researchers for inventing a new efficient and durable light source: the blue LED. Quèquicom explains how it works. But beyond lighting, the more versatile light is laser, allowing encryption, cut, cool, heat, diagnose, read, print or move. Speakers Maria Guell, The Invisible Lighting Design […]
Cause of death: Entropy
The immediate cause of death is always a cardiac arrest, the mediate cause is cell death, and the ultimate cause is the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Death is irreversible, the process can not be reversed as well as the coffe with milk can not be separated.
The greenhouse effect and climate change
In “Quèquicom”, prominent experts explain clearly what are the main evidence of climate change, why the planet is heated, what say predictions and what can be done to combat it.