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Pere Renom

“We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and possess through your own judgement and decision […] We have made you a creature neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.”

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola


Science on the beach

Science at the beach

published on 1.10.2008

We will sail on beach catamaran, the only sailboat that is governed rudderless. We will discover the composition of the sand on the Maresme region and how the beach disappears. And we will meet some of the inhabitants of the wave breaking zone and we will see that they are not always what they seem.

The fall and the light

published on 6.12.2006

Light therapy, is a treatment that helps to overcome the seasonal gloom caused by the reduction of hours of light during autumn and winter. The reporter Pere Renom interviews specialists in psychiatry and sleep, and a lighting technician. He also visits one of the most beautiful autumn landscapes of Catalonia, in the Pyrenees, to explain […]