De-extinction: to revive a species
In Masjoan at Espinelves (Girona) there is a collection with more than 250 species of stuffed birds, gathered by the naturalist Marià Masferrer Rierola in the late nineteenth century. Among the various species there is the Carolina parakeet (Conuropsis carolinensis), a bird native to the United States, which was extinct in 1918 by hunting and […]
Fleas, ticks and bed bugs
Fleas, ticks and bedbugs are hematophagous invertebrates, that’s blood-eaters. Each has its own particular life cycle and preferences when itching. Apart from causing annoyance, they can transmit diseases of a certain severity like Lyme, and in exceptional cases, even to be mortal. The following spoke: Joaquim Castellà, parasitologist of the Department of Animal Health and […]