De-extinction: to revive a species
In Masjoan at Espinelves (Girona) there is a collection with more than 250 species of stuffed birds, gathered by the naturalist Marià Masferrer Rierola in the late nineteenth century. Among the various species there is the Carolina parakeet (Conuropsis carolinensis), a bird native to the United States, which was extinct in 1918 by hunting and […]
Eggs at lab
Eggs are a valuable food source. A fried egg, a Spanish omelette, cakes and sweets of all kinds, and even the eggs of sturgeon, the exquisite caviar, are different versions of eggs in a dish. But humans also know how to use eggs as privileged medium for research, they are like a miniature laboratory to […]
Wear feathers
The feathers are used to fly, to warm and to communicate. The reporter Pere Renom hunts ducks with his hands, visits a factory of down blankets, measures the colors of Great tits, observes the courtship of Sison and shows the great diversity of bird colors in a closet. And the presenter Jaume Vilalta explains how […]
What say the birds
Birds whistle, chatter, cackle, scream or howl. But what do they say? Words of love. And these words seduce both females and juries of singing competitions. The canaricultor Gabriel de la Paz explains what notes produce Harz Roller canaries and how birds are selected for competitions. The songs are tailored to the physical characteristics of […]
The water channel Segarra-Garrigues
The program shows exclusive images of the construction of the channel Segarra-Garrigues that will irrigate a surface seven times greater than the municipality of Barcelona and will ensure water intake of Cervera and other locations. But the transformation in irrigated lands the drylands of Lleida threat an exceptional ecosystem and brings to the table the […]
Resisting the North wind
The reporter Pere Renom travels to the Alt Empordà and lives the north wind. To directly experience both air friction and the force of gravity, he parachutes from 4000 meters, but can not fall above 200 km/h. The wind is the air in movement. How do resist the north wind the farmers and nature in […]