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Pere Renom

“We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and possess through your own judgement and decision […] We have made you a creature neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.”

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola



published on 9.04.2018

3D printing is a technology for manufacturing three-dimensional objects by superimposing layers of material, that is why it is also called additive manufacturing. In the last 15 years it has grown a lot in the industrial field since it allows to develop prototypes cheaper than the usual technique of molds for injected plastic, without limitation […]

The parabolic flight

published on 13.12.2017

Gravity is an ubiquitous physical magnitude on the surface of the Earth. There is no material or device capable of eliminating it. The only way to not feel gravity is in free fall. Some airplanes make a maneuver that consists in describing a parabola like the one that would make an arrow shot by an […]

Searching for life in the Univers

published on 10.02.2015

We knew that the Earth is not flat, and that is not in the center of the universe, now it has been discovered that even in the Milky Way there could be 10,000 milion planets similar to ours. We explain how planets are detected outside our solar system and what conditions would have to sustain […]

Low cost satellits

published on 2.11.2011

The aerospace industry is a sector with so high investment that only large agencies like NASA or ESA, or the multinational companies can afford. An international team of students and engineers of UPC is developing a project to send a satellite into space for less than 1,200 euros. The challenge is part of the “N-Prize” […]