Nitrogen till the root
Nitrogen is an essential element for life, but since its availability is limited it must be recycled. The most important compartment on the planet where it accumulates is the atmosphere (N2). Hence, special bacteria introduce it into the biosphere through a process called fixation. Once there, it is transferred through the food chain from vegetables […]
The taste of water
We have all studied at school that water is colorless, odorless and tasteless. But in reality we all also have the experience that there are better waters than others. What determines the taste of water? To find out we will make a simple scientific study. We will sample waters from different origins and we will […]
De-extinction: to revive a species
In Masjoan at Espinelves (Girona) there is a collection with more than 250 species of stuffed birds, gathered by the naturalist Marià Masferrer Rierola in the late nineteenth century. Among the various species there is the Carolina parakeet (Conuropsis carolinensis), a bird native to the United States, which was extinct in 1918 by hunting and […]
Legionellosis, a nebula disease
Legionella is not taken from the air conditioners in offices or homes, but by inhaling contaminated droplets coming from hot water systems of hotels or gyms, spa facilities and many cooling towers of industries. Participants Miquel Sabrià, head of the Infectious Diseases Unit, UAB; Ana Belén Gómez and Neus Cirera, the Public Health Agency of […]
Organic farming
Organic farming reverses the conventional agriculture. It uses invertebrates to combat pests, take profit of weeds and take care of all the underground ecosystem instead of seeing only as an inert support for the plants.
The microscopic world
With of a binocular loupe and a home microscope anyone can do an amazing journey into the world of microorganisms, a world inhabited by so strange creatures that seem like science fiction. The reporter Pere Renom visits a farmhouse accompanied by Rubén Duro, a biologist specialized in the production of documentaries on the microscopic world.
Bacteria: from our intestine to Mars
Go to Mars will be an impossible mission if bacteria can not be used to produce the food needed by the astronauts, and to recycle detritus. In addition, each of the astronauts will take 2 kilos of bacteria in his digestive, the intestinal flora that any human needs to survive. We fly from intestinal Crohn’s […]
Viruses: the eternal war
What you need to know about viruses in general and avian flu in particular, explained in an entertaining and understandable way. Is the bird flu virus going to recombine and be able to be transmitted from animals to humans? How do scientists prepare this new battle? Will we have better vaccines and antivirals? In “Quèquicom”, […]