Prevent avalanches
The reporter of the program Pere Renom ascends with skis of mountain to the Cap des Clòsos, a summit of the Valley of Aran of 2.417 meters of altitude, opening trace through the snow. He is accompanied by two experienced mountaineers, one of whom, Ivan Afonso, survived an avalanche 20 years ago. From this experience […]
The swing of the beaches
In January 2017 the Catalan coast suffered an exceptional eastern storm, with waves up to 7 meters high, eroding entire beaches, and damaging rides, buildings and structures such as the oil pier of Badalona. The program analyzes the coastal dynamics and finds out if this destructive force is a threat to the coast. The following […]
The butterfly effect
The weather in Catalonia depends on the atmospheric circulation in the middle of the North Atlantic, thousands of kilometers away. Any slight change in the initial conditions there will trigger a completely different result. This behavior, characteristic of chaotic systems, is known as the butterfly effect and is responsible for the unpredictablility of weather in […]
Lightning catchers
The lightning are highly potent electric shocks that occur in microseconds. Nevertheless, it is possible to catch them with a high speed camera, detect them by antennas, track them on trees or subsurface minerals, lead them to lightning rods, and reproduce its plasma in cutting steel machines, fluorescent or neon. Speakers Oscar Van der Velde, […]
Spring in Barcelona
Spring is an explosion of life in the countryside. But under a watchful eye, is also an explosion of life in the city. The reporter Pere Renom walk in the city of Barcelona, racking and a spectacular spring. Explains the weather, vegetation and wildlife in urban spring. In the studio, presenter Jaume Vilalta shows how […]
An ascension to Mont Blanc with a scientifique view
Talk in which a cross section of the high mountain is given from personal experience while climbing to the highest peak in Western Europe, Mont Blanc, 4.810 m. Also are explained aspects of glacial geology, climate change, meteorology, flora and fauna, chemistry, and human physiology at high altitude. This talk is the pilot of the […]
Overturned by the wind
Quèquicom dedicates a special program to the great windstorm that swept Catalonia on 24 January 2009, killed four children and caused many destructions.
The limits of science
Hartmann Lines, dowsers and astrology, do they proceed with the scientific method? To know it, the program compared them to the corresponding scientific disciplines of geomagnetism, hydrogeology and astronomy.
Resisting the North wind
The reporter Pere Renom travels to the Alt Empordà and lives the north wind. To directly experience both air friction and the force of gravity, he parachutes from 4000 meters, but can not fall above 200 km/h. The wind is the air in movement. How do resist the north wind the farmers and nature in […]
Travelling with the wind
The program “Quèquicom” travels in balloon to explain the atmospheric currents and travels on sailboat to show how it is possible to sail against the wind. The reporter Pere Renom suffers a storm aboard a sailboat in the bay of Roses. His adventure helps to explain some basic principles of sailing. From the studio, the […]