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Pere Renom

“We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and possess through your own judgement and decision […] We have made you a creature neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.”

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola


The taste of water

published on 24.04.2019

We have all studied at school that water is colorless, odorless and tasteless. But in reality we all also have the experience that there are better waters than others. What determines the taste of water? To find out we will make a simple scientific study. We will sample waters from different origins and we will […]

Microplastic: from the clothes to the sea

published on 11.07.2017

For every 6 kg of polyester clothing in the laundry, we release about 4 g of plastic microfibers through the pipes, which will go to the sea and contaminate the waters, bottoms and trophic nets around the world. Participants: Àngels Rovira, Researcher in Advanced Materials, LEITAT, Anna Sánchez Vidal, GRC Geosciences Marinas, UB, Salvador Borrós, […]

The swing of the beaches

published on 27.06.2017

In January 2017 the Catalan coast suffered an exceptional eastern storm, with waves up to 7 meters high, eroding entire beaches, and damaging rides, buildings and structures such as the oil pier of Badalona. The program analyzes the coastal dynamics and finds out if this destructive force is a threat to the coast. The following […]

Laia, a branch in human evolution

published on 15.11.2016

The evolution up to Homo sapiens is a puzzle of many pieces that is intertwined in the past and we still have much to discover. In 2011, at the Can Mata dump, at Hostalets de Pierola, a piece of this puzzle was found: the fossil remains of a primate distant relative of humans. The specimen was […]

Montsant, peace and silence

published on 20.10.2015

The range of Montsant is located away from main roads and has no road and no track that passes. This makes it particularly quiet. For this reason it is a refuge for very sensitive species such as Bonelli’s eagle, the native crayfish, several bats or yew forests. It also locates Somereta an endemic insect species […]

Evolution, after Darwin’s footsteps

published on 14.10.2014

Charles Darwin proposed natural selection as the mechanism of evolution, inspired by the finches of the Galapagos islands, fossils of Patagonia, or domestic pigeons. In Catalonia can be found completely equivalent examples: Pyrenean cave beetles, rodent fossils, or a new breed of mini-pigs intended for biomedical research.

El Hierro: from fire to life

published on 23.05.2012

We travel to El Hierro to understand how volcanic episode occurred in 2011. We also visit each ecosystem of this Canary Island and explain how these very different environments have been slowly forming from the random arrival of plants and animals which later evolved and gave rise to new species. Some of these biological jewels […]

Minorca: a mosaic of biodiversity

published on 15.06.2011

The island of Menorca is 50 km long and has 12,000 km of stone walls that divide the territory and promote the simultaneous presence of tilled fields, crops, forests, bushes and meadows. The island is also dotted with about 100 temporary ponds populated by many aquatic organisms. One of the more relevant is the tadpole […]

Living in the Pyrenees

published on 8.06.2011

We will see some of the animals that lived in the Pyrenees and some of those still living. We will see the marmots of the alpine meadows, the boreal owl of the mountain pine forests, and the trout. Also we will understand how glaciation have shaped the look of this range.

An ascension to Mont Blanc with a scientifique view

published on 31.05.2011

Talk in which a cross section of the high mountain is given from personal experience while climbing to the highest peak in Western Europe, Mont Blanc, 4.810 m. Also are explained aspects of glacial geology, climate change, meteorology, flora and fauna, chemistry, and human physiology at high altitude. This talk is the pilot of the […]