A nursery of scientists
The center Món Natura Pirineus, in Les Planes de Son, is a nursery for young scientists. Since 2007, the La Pedrera Foundation organizes the Youth and Science stays. For two weeks students from all over Catalonia receive theory classes, practice in the laboratory and field work in the areas of biology or astronomy. To get […]
Eggs at lab
Eggs are a valuable food source. A fried egg, a Spanish omelette, cakes and sweets of all kinds, and even the eggs of sturgeon, the exquisite caviar, are different versions of eggs in a dish. But humans also know how to use eggs as privileged medium for research, they are like a miniature laboratory to […]
Spring in Barcelona
Spring is an explosion of life in the countryside. But under a watchful eye, is also an explosion of life in the city. The reporter Pere Renom walk in the city of Barcelona, racking and a spectacular spring. Explains the weather, vegetation and wildlife in urban spring. In the studio, presenter Jaume Vilalta shows how […]