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Pere Renom

“We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and possess through your own judgement and decision […] We have made you a creature neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.”

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola


Read de Pere Renom’s blog, biologist and TV3 reporter.

Interview in Badiu Casteller

published on 15.12.2011

In the magazine of the castellers of Badalona (number 11, December 2011) published an interview with Pere Renom. In late 2010, he joined the group castellers of Badalona. The aim was to train for a couple of months to participate in the construction of human castles. The debut was the day of the Candle in […]

Interview in 365D365E

published on 5.12.2011

In the blog 365D365E (three hundred sixty five days, three hundred sixty-five interviews) is published every day an interview during a whole year to people working in fields as diverse as architecture, art, film, dance, communication, literature, music, politics, religion or science. Today, the interview was devoted to Pere Renom, reporter of the science program Quèquicom at Channel 33.

Program Ciutat Oberta of Ràdio Ciutat de Badalona

published on 24.11.2011

Ràdio Ciutat de Badalona is a daily radio program dedicated to the information and entertainment. It has numerous permanent sections in which various experts discuss issues such as ecology, new technologies, gender, health, pets, safety or the environment. Pere Renom was invited to talk about invasive species, especially the red palm weevil, which is attacking many palm trees of the city, the […]

Section 7ciències of the program Factor Estiu in Catalunya Ràdio

published on 6.09.2011

During 7 Monday of July and August Samantha Vall, Pere Renom and Marc Boada from the program Quèquicom have conducted the section 7ciències included in the program Factor Estiu presented by Elisabet Carnicé and emitted in Catalunya Radio. They explained from a scientific perspective issues close to the people, the territory and the summer like […]

An ascension to Mont Blanc with a scientifique view

published on 31.05.2011

Talk in which a cross section of the high mountain is given from personal experience while climbing to the highest peak in Western Europe, Mont Blanc, 4.810 m. Also are explained aspects of glacial geology, climate change, meteorology, flora and fauna, chemistry, and human physiology at high altitude. This talk is the pilot of the […]

Zapping Award for the best Cultural / Disseminative / Documental program

published on 18.02.2011

After five seasons on the air, the audience chooses Quèquicom as best Cultural / Disseminative / Documentary program. The director Jaume Vilalta said that “in fact, viewers and program components are a team that has won a place for science in television and this is meritorious.” Quèquicom had two high-rise rivals: Carlos Arguiñano and Eduard […]

“Quèquicom” gets the Science in Action Award 2010

published on 3.10.2010

The National Research Council, the Spanish Society of Physics, Geology and the National University of Distance Education, have given Quèquicom the Science in Action Award 2010 for all its programs. The jury, chaired by Professor Rosa M. Ros Ferré, UPC (who is also director of Science in Action) highlighted the amenity, educational quality and rigor that […]

“Quèquicom” gets the Narcís Monturiol Award

published on 4.04.2010

Quèquicom received the Narcís Monturiol Award 2009 from the hand of the Minister for Innovation, Universities and Enterprise, Josep Huguet, in recognition of its efforts to disseminate and bring science to the citizens in a ceremony held at the Palau de la Generalitat. This is the first time a media receive this award, granted by the […]

Boehringer Ingelheim Journalism Prize for “The umbilical cord”

published on 4.11.2009

“The umbilical cord” by Pere Renom, Cari Pardo and Joan Torrents, explains the potential of the umbilical cord to cure leukemia. The report has been awarded the Boehringer Ingelheim Journalism Prize in the media category, endowed with 12,000 €. In the area of ​​print media, the winner was Martin Mucha for the article “This people can […]

Novo Nordisk Media Prize for the report “Diabetes: When the sweet turns bitter”

published on 9.09.2008

Quèquicom’s chapter “Diabetes: When the sweet turns bitter” by Pere Renom and Cari Pardo, has won the third edition of the Novo Nordisk Media Prize nationally and internationally. This award is given for the best article or television program that deals with diabetes in general. The award, worth 12,000 euros, with the support of the International […]