Climate change, critical level
Global warming has not stopped since the industrial revolution and in the Quèquicom we are also witnesses. In 2006 we dedicated a report to climate change. In 2019, thirteen years later, we made an update. We will see how has evolved the CO2 in the atmosphere, the temperature of the sea in Estartit, the fish […]
A nursery of scientists
The center Món Natura Pirineus, in Les Planes de Son, is a nursery for young scientists. Since 2007, the La Pedrera Foundation organizes the Youth and Science stays. For two weeks students from all over Catalonia receive theory classes, practice in the laboratory and field work in the areas of biology or astronomy. To get […]
The tower of Babel
The Castella school, in the Raval district of Barcelona, is an authentic Tower of Babel: in a class of 25 students we can find a dozen nationalities and around ten languages. But this linguistic diversity seems small when we expand the scale of observation. In Catalonia there are inventoried more than 300 different languages, and […]
The swing of the beaches
In January 2017 the Catalan coast suffered an exceptional eastern storm, with waves up to 7 meters high, eroding entire beaches, and damaging rides, buildings and structures such as the oil pier of Badalona. The program analyzes the coastal dynamics and finds out if this destructive force is a threat to the coast. The following […]
Fleas, ticks and bed bugs
Fleas, ticks and bedbugs are hematophagous invertebrates, that’s blood-eaters. Each has its own particular life cycle and preferences when itching. Apart from causing annoyance, they can transmit diseases of a certain severity like Lyme, and in exceptional cases, even to be mortal. The following spoke: Joaquim Castellà, parasitologist of the Department of Animal Health and […]
The kitchen, from the fire to the microwaves
We will go to the restaurant Les Cols, awarded with two Michelin stars, for energetically deconstructing a dish. We will do an experiment to assess the energy efficiency of economic kitchen, gas, ceramic, induction and microwave. We will see the technology of steel pans and new silicone utensils. And we will discover the gastronomic potential […]
Antennas, in neighbor’s backyard
It is recommended to turn off the wifi at night? And for what reason? Are its waves a danger to health? And the microwaves from mobile phone? What power density can we receive from a base station? And from our own phone? Are there leaking from microwave ovens? “Quèquicom” provides the basic knowledge to take […]
Charging the batteries
What do they have in common a battery, a tubercle or body fat? They are sistems of storing energy. The energy is stored for consumption when needed and to move autonomously. A crossing of the Pyrenees is an ideal situation to understand how and why energy is stored.
Profiting the sun
One of the alternative energy models to hydrocarbons is solar energy, on two fronts: photovoltaic and thermal. Solar panels are still relatively expensive. In large photovoltaic plants are tested other technologies to reduce costs, such as the so-called solar panels of concentration. Joan Ignasi Rosell, University of Lleida, explains what they are. 130 school children […]